The Time to Hear is Here™

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

A vast majority of adults will develop hearing-related issues as they age, the most common being diminished hearing. However, it can be very difficult for the elderly to receive the proper care to address their hearing issues by relying on Medicare alone. Please join us as Ron Gottardi from The Time to Hear is Here™ [...]

Be Mortgage Ready!

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Learn what to gather and have at the ready before you apply for a home mortgage or a pre-approval. Every lender is different and will have their own unique requirements. We will go over and discuss best practices so nothing will catch you off guard. Josette D’Ambrosio has over 20 years in the mortgage lending [...]

Lincoln’s Skill as a Political Tactician

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Lincoln's reputation as a war time executive commander has been so marked that we sometimes forget, if not ignore, other non-military aspects of his presidency.  In fact, he was one of the most consummate political operatives in our history.  His skill is well reflected in his relationship with Salmon Chase of Ohio and then Lincoln’s [...]

NJSave/GetSetUp Basics: Resources for Older New Jerseyians

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

The New Jersey Division of Aging Services, an organization within the New Jersey Department of Human Services, focuses on making it easier for older adults to live in their community as long as possible with independence, dignity, and choice. Assistance for everyday needs is available through a number of federal- and state-funded programs administered by [...]

Chair Yoga

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Are you looking for a wellness break during your day? Some stretches and breathing that can help you to relax and move while you work? Or perhaps you have some mobility issues, and you want to try a gentle yoga practice? Then chair yoga is for you! Marsha Rudolph, MA, RYT, Registered Yoga Teacher, will [...]

Patriots by a Different Name: A History of the NJ Volunteers

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

The Rebellion in the American Colonies took many different forms with much of New Jersey descended into civil war.  Patriots of the British Crown suffered mercilessly at the hand of their rebellious counterparts, many giving their lives in armed service for the King.  Often referred to as Loyalists, these men fought with a zeal and [...]

Betsey Stockton’s Neighbors: Princeton’s Black Community in the Era of the Civil War

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Princeton, New Jersey, has long had the reputation of being a pretty and prosperous college town, an almost bucolic stop midway between Philadelphia and New York. Yet despite being in the North, Princeton had strong ties to the South throughout the antebellum era, largely because the College of New Jersey (later Princeton University) had a [...]

The Evolving Employment Model: Managing Your Career in the Rapidly Changing Economy

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

The employment landscape is changing. Consulting and gig jobs, health passports, major disrupters, Work-From-Home, and more seem to dominate that landscape. Understanding what the changing employment model is and how to fit into it is essential to work success. Please join Paul Cecala of Cecala Career Consultants for this highly interactive session that explores what [...]

Canceled Don’t Get Scammed: Fraud Education and Protection from the NJ Division of Consumer Affairs

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

From the IRS phone scam to lottery and sweepstakes scams, to the so-called grandparent scam, it appears that imposter frauds and other criminal scams are more active than ever — and are preying on potential victims in New Jersey through phone calls, emails, and other means. Don’t get scammed!! Please join us on as a [...]

Lincoln’s Emergence as a Military Realist

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

No one, least of all the incoming President, could foresee what the future portended as he took the oath of office in March, 1861. In fact, he would be the only President (with the exception of FDR's 3rd term) to begin and end his tenure with the imminence if not actuality of military conflict. In [...]