You may place a request for library items directly through our online catalog.
To view your library account, please access our online catalog here.
- Click on the “Sign In” link found on the top right hand corner.
- Enter your barcode number from your library card and your password (the last 4 digits of barcode number) then click on “Sign In”.
- Search for the item you want to request using the search box in the top middle of the screen. Do this by entering your search term (Title or Author or Subject, etc.).
- Click on magnifying glass icon or press “enter” on your keyboard.
- The results of your search will now be displayed. Scroll down to choose the item you want.
- To reserve an item on this list, click on the blue “Place Hold” button next to the format you desire (book, audiobook, ebook, etc.).
- A message box will appear to verify the item you wish to reserve. Make sure that “Hackettstown Library” is your pickup location. Click on the “Submit Hold Request” Button.
- To view the list of your reserves, click on your name at the top right corner of the screen. A dropdown menu will appear. Click on “Titles on Hold.”
For further assistance renewing items, please call the Hackettstown Free Public Library at (908) 852-4936 or email