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There’s an old adage when it comes to finding a job, “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” According to recent studies, up to 85% of jobs are filled by “who you know.” Networking is a crucial and possibly the most important part of finding a job, intimidating as it might be. Please join us as career consultant Paul Cecala provides simple actionable things you can do to get started networking or boost your existing networking for added results. Leave with LOTS of ideas to put into action today.

Paul Cecala is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator, work search author, and founder of Cecala Career Consultants. Since 1999 he has assisted over 3000 job seekers ranging from C-Suite executives to college students. Paul specializes in creating job search project plans and is recognized for his empathetic listening skills. Paul currently facilitates job seeker networking groups for 4 different organizations. He has helmed the adult professional education programs for 2 colleges and a NJ Dept. of Labor One-Stop Career Center. Paul has his BS in Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology. He has published a book and numerous articles on career coaching in a variety of publications.

This program is presented on ZOOM by the NJ State Library.

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