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Although Major General Grant had not anticipated fighting a battle at Shiloh, the Confederate attack ushered in intensive fighting. As the outnumbered Union soldiers withstood relentless assaults on the first day of battle, *Grant was challenged to use strategic vision in order to turn the tide. In this talk, Dr. Heidi Amelia-Anne Weber will explore how Grant opted to defy conventional wisdom and remained on the line. He used his vision, as well as determination, in order to conduct a counterattack that secured a victory at Shiloh. Although the public was shocked by the casualties, this battle would ultimately lead to the advance into Mississippi and the division of the Confederacy.

* The emphasis of this talk is not the standard description of a battle, but the strategy involved and presented by a speaker with the credentials to present this topic.

Dr. Heidi Amelia-Anne Weber holds the rank of full professor of military history/history at SUNY: Orange. Heidi earned her Ph.D. in 19th Century American History from Kent State University. Her manuscript “Like a great feudal landlord”: How Architecture and Slavery Created the World of the Upcountry Planter was published by Mercer University Press in November of 2022. She has published chapters and made contributions in the World of Antebellum America: A Daily Life Encyclopedia, The Handbook of Military Administration, The Encyclopedia of the Reconstruction Era, The Encyclopedia of Gettysburg, and the upcoming The Campaign for Atlanta & Sherman’s March to the Sea. In addition, she has published articles in America’s Civil War and other publications. In 2017, Dr. Weber was awarded the SUNY: Orange President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and the New York Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence. She is a member of various historical organizations and is an active member of her community. Dr. Weber was also selected as a Service Academy Interview Screener for Senator Cory Booker and Senator Bob Menendez. Heidi also is a member of Field Force for the United States Military Academy.

This program is presented on ZOOM by the North Jersey Civil War Roundtable. ZOOM link will be provided the day of the event via email.