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Every great story starts with a great character: complex, compelling, flawed. Every good writer wants the reader to root for this character. That’s what keeps them turning pages. How do we accomplish this? Join author Maryann McFadden, who’s penned 5 novels and a screenplay, as she guides you to write a great character of your own.

This program is part of the “Art and Craft of Writing” series.

This program is sponsored by the Warren County Cultural and Heritage Division.

Maryann McFadden “won the literary lottery” according to writing blogs when her previously self-published novel, “The Richest Season,” sold at auction to Hyperion Books in 2007. It became a Target Breakout Novel and an Indie Next Pick by the American Booksellers Association. Her next two novels, “Cape Cod Light” and “The Book Lover” are also Indie Next Picks. Her fourth novel, “The Cemetery Keeper’s Wife,” is a historical novel set in her New Jersey hometown and has become a book club sensation. It is a novel she believes she was destined to write. Maryann’s books have been translated into multiple languages and her unusual publishing journey has inspired many aspiring authors. You can reach her at maryannmcfadden.com