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Join Dr. Pete Lubrecht as he describes the extraordinary life and times of Carl Schurz, a real-life Renaissance man who was almost lost to history. Realizing how little was written about his amazing accomplishments and contributions to American life, Pete endeavored to pen such a book. Copies of Pete’s book, “Carl Schurz: German-American Statesman: My County Right or Wrong” will be available for purchase at this event.

Carl Schurz was a larger-than-life public figure whose exploits, real and concocted appeared in newspapers nationwide during the nineteenth century. His letters to Fanny Chapman, his secret love, leave a picture of an age of turmoil, corruption, social graces, and artistic explosion. He was a fighter for human rights including all races and creeds and a pioneer muckraker in a corrupt city of a “Gilded Age.” Lost are his educational contributions, his unpopular and prophetic political stance for Civil Service reform, and his fight against a trend toward national imperialism. His memory and name lives on monuments, towns, and streets named after him; and on American and German postage stamps and ships. Memorial plaques with his image are in towns across Germany and the United States. Learn all about his legacy.

This program is being presented in-person and on Zoom.

Zoom details:


Meeting ID: 876 1742 2808
Passcode: 160022