I Love to Read Beaded Necklace Drop-In Craft

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown

Come on down to the Hackettstown Free Public Library and create your own "I Love to Read" beaded necklace. These necklaces include red, white, and blue beads with smiling book charms. This is part of our Summer Reading 2023 drop-in craft series. Craft starts at 9am and goes for as long as supplies last.

Fandom Friday

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown

Tweens and Teens! Stop by the library for the first Fandom Friday of the summer! This weeks theme is Disney. There will be a craft and some trivia. Open to ages 9 and up.

How Nutrition Changes As You Age (CANCELLED)

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown

In order to age well, you need to eat well. The aging body experiences many changes that can adjust the way a person eats. This program is geared towards senior citizens and is part of our "Final Fridays Seminar Series" which will take place on the last Friday of each month and cover topics ranging [...]