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If you want to shift careers or feel like you need more training to be competitive in your current field, you may want to explore the many publicly funded career training options. Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and other education grants, many people can access training for in-demand occupations. In this presentation, we’ll explore what the training options are, the funding sources, ways to access funding, eligibility requirements, and much more. What better way to prove your skills to an employer than to show recent training or certification?

Paul Cecala is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator, work search author, and founder of Cecala Career Consultants. Since 1999 he has assisted over 3000 job seekers ranging from C-Suite executives to college students. Paul specializes in creating job search project plans and is recognized for his empathetic listening skills. Paul currently facilitates job seeker networking groups for 4 different organizations. He has helmed the adult professional education programs for 2 colleges and a NJ Dept. of Labor One-Stop Career Center. Paul has his BS in Psychology from Florida Institute of Technology. He has published a book and numerous articles on career coaching in a variety of publications.

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