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There is no doubt that the advent of DNA testing for genealogical purposes has revolutionized how people conduct their family history.  DNA has provided researchers new avenues to investigate, uncovered hidden lineages, and even exposed secrets.  Please join us as professional genealogist Melissa Johnson of Johnson Genealogy Services discusses how to use DNA as a genealogical source to solve difficult research problems, break through brick walls, and prove or disprove conclusions.

Melissa Johnson is a professional genealogist specializing in New Jersey, New York City, Pennsylvania, British, Irish, Italian, and Eastern European families; forensic genealogy; using DNA to solve difficult genealogical problems; unknown parentage; genealogical writing, editing, and publishing; and genealogical education.  Melissa’s work has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals, including the National Genealogical Society QuarterlyNew York Genealogical and Biographical Record, and Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey. Melissa has previously served as editor and a columnist for NGS Monthly, authoring dozens of articles on sources and research methodology. She is the author of the Adoption and Misattributed Parentage Research chapter in Debbie Parker Wayne’s Advanced Genetic Genealogy: Techniques and Case Studies. For eleven years, Melissa served as reviews editor for the Association of Professional Genealogists Quarterly (APGQ). She has been Mentor in the ProGen Study Group, engaging and educating the next generation of genealogists.

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This program is presented on ZOOM by the New Jersey State Library.