Language Exchange Cafe
Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United StatesLooking to learn Spanish with native speakers? At the Language Exchange Cafe, native English speakers and native Spanish speakers get together to learn each other's language and have some coffee. It is a fun, immersive, interactive way to build your second language skills. No registration necessary - just show up and have a good time! [...]
Intro to the Women’s Center for Entrepreneurship
Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United StatesHave you always thought about owning your own business but need help knowing where to start? Have you started a business and now need support while growing? There is a measurable increase in success when you have access to others for collaboration, idea sharing and networking to facilitate your individual leadership and growth. Join us [...]
DASACC Meet & Greet Info Session
Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United StatesMembers of DASACC (Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Warren County) will be on hand to offer information and answer questions about the services they offer and the ways they help our community. Come by to get some info or just thank them for the job they do! This is a confidential drop-in [...]
Wednesday Story Time
Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United StatesJoin Ms. Rebecca in a fun-filled story time with an exciting new theme every week! Open to children ages 1-5. Please register for only one time slot.
Wednesday Story Time
Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United StatesJoin Ms. Rebecca in a fun-filled story time with an exciting new theme every week! Open to children ages 1-5. Please register for only one time slot.
Project Planning Work Search: A Practical Work Search Methodology
Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United StatesThere are so many things to consider when trying to secure a job, especially if you are starting a new career. One of the first steps is to develop a plan for determining what specific jobs and employers you want to pursue. Please join us as career consultant Paul Cecala discusses a pragmatic, action-oriented project [...]
Sensory Story Time
Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United StatesHaving trouble with "traditional" story times? Do you want your child to experience a more hands-on approach to storytelling? Come join us for a fun sensory play story time. Favorite toys and/or fidgets are encouraged! Please sign up each child individually, space is limited.
Civil War Oddities
Schenk Lodge at House of the Good Shepherd 798 Willow Grove St., Hackettstown, NJ, United StatesWhat did you do after the War? Women soldiers, Funerals, Reunions! After the Civil War, veterans from both sides gathered at frequent reunions. In 1876 the Union Side forgave the Confederates, and they marched together in parades across the nation. Join Dr. Peter Lubrecht as he discusses the "oddities" of the post-Civil War era. This [...]
Scrabble Club
Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United StatesAre you looking for a place to have fun and meet new friends while keeping your mind sharp or improving your English skills? Come to the Scrabble Club! It's the original "Words with Friends!" Play the board game Scrabble with others and enjoy a morning at the library. Even if you have never played the [...]
Puzzle Swap Meet
Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United StatesDo you buy puzzles, have a wonderful time putting them together, but then leave them in the closet just to gather dust? Don't buy new ones, come to the library to swap it for one new to you! It's simple: bring a puzzle from home (please make sure they are in good condition and no [...]