Job Opportunities for Building Success Program (JOBS)

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

The Transition Professionals JOBS team is holding a drop-in event at the Hackettstown Free Public Library. Job Opportunities for Building Success (JOBS) is a comprehensive program that offers free specialized training opportunities, sustainable employment acquisition, and supportive services (ie transportation, ID obtainment, food, clothing) to current justice-involved individuals facing barriers to employment. This can include: [...]

Teen Advisory Board Meeting

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Tweens and Teens! Join us at the library for our Teen Advisory Board Meeting. Share ideas for programs or changes that you would like to see in the library. Open to ages and up. Please register online

CANCELLED – “Rhythm & Grace” : Discover the Joy of Movement

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Are you an adult who loves to MOVE? If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you to learn something new! Join our exclusive sample class and experience dance like never before. We invite you to try a little bit of everything, from gentle stretching to graceful ballet moves, and some energetic jazz moves. "Rhythm [...]

Teen Game Night

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Tweens and Teens! Come to the library for a night of games! Open to ages 9 and up. Please register online.

Board of Trustees Meeting

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

In 2023, meetings of the Board of Trustees will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month, except in October, when the board will meet on Tuesday due to the Columbus Day holiday.

Event Series Wednesday Story Time

Wednesday Story Time

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Join Ms. Rebecca in a fun-filled story time with an exciting new theme every week! Open to children ages 1-5. Please register for only one time slot.

Speak Your Soul: Art & Craft of Poetry with Yoli Worth

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Yoli will read and talk about different poems. Following the reading, participants will be invited to join in and write. There will be a brief writing session and as time allows, volunteers may read their work in progress, which encourages accepting written work without judgment. The workshop will close with participants creating a group poem, [...]

Event Series Sensory Story Time

Sensory Story Time

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Having trouble with "traditional" story times? Do you want your child to experience a more hands-on approach to storytelling? Come join us for a fun sensory play story time. Favorite toys and/or fidgets are encouraged! Please sign up each child individually, space is limited.

Event Series Get into S.T.E.A.M.! (5 and under)

Get into S.T.E.A.M.! (5 and under)

Hackettstown Public Library 110 Church Street, Hackettstown, NJ, United States

Let's strengthen your science, technology, engineering, art, and/or math skills once a month! Your child will be able to participate in an engaging engineering activity to test their S.T.E.A.M. skills. This event is for ages 5 and under. Please register each child separately.